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About THC


The Healing Collective (THC) is dedicated to promoting balanced healing in everyday life.  Reiki, meditation, yoga and other modalities are an example of how to take control of our own healing and incorporate it into our daily practice.  


THC offers a holistic approach to healing and wellness. We use the gentle touch of Reiki to help you release stress, balance your energy, and promote physical and emotional healing. Whether you're seeking relief from pain or simply looking to enhance your overall well-being, we're here to support you on your journey.


This form of alternative therapy that has been gaining popularity in recent years, even though it originates from a deep lineage long ago. It involves use of hands-on healing techniques to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being.


Some of the reported benefits of Reiki include:

  • cleared blockages

  • reduced anxiety and depression

  • improved sleep

  • increased energy levels

  • While more research is needed to fully understand the effects of Reiki many people have found it to be an addition to their self-care routine


Contact us today to schedule your session!






The Healing Collective is spiritually guided by, Qiana Iman, (s/k/a Asatawa/Asa or P.E.A.), a Reiki Master who has been actively involved in the wellness of our community since 2015, hosting events to promote knowledge in the community on mental empowerment, financial empowerment, health and wellness.   Her humble beginnings as a wellness practitioner led to an empowering self journey that began in 2012, healing past traumas from childhood and military service. 

The path of her spiritual journey has lead to an accumulation of knowledge and experiences allowing her to share her expertise with the community via her chosen mediums. 

Please read her personal message below:



Dear Collective,


Practicing reiki as a healing medium has transformed my life and teaching others to heal themselves with the power of energy is part of my passion.


During this time of change it is important to know that we are still in control.  Balancing our energy, our mind and our wellness is how we remain in possession of that.  At THC,  we are all about sharing, promoting ways to balance self and remain in tune.


As a combat veteran, mother of three and agent for change in the community, I have first hand knowledge of the many ills that plague our people and the need to seek self healing.  As a result of taking the necessary steps for my own transformation, I gained the knowledge to help improve the lives of others, and sharing it is apart of my passion.


I am a certified Kundalini Reiki practitioner capable of providing healing using a variety of modalities and energies.  I am also an expert in woman's health and womb wellness.  Sri Master Gano Grills and the Galighticus movement has provided a platform for my growth in this healing art and I am grateful.


It is paramount that we understand the healing power that we possess inside.  We have been conditioned to continually search outside ourselves to get the healing we need.  We must realize that the power for healing resides within us, all we have to do is access it.


The God you seek resides within





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